Monday, November 17, 2008

Kuar ke merrickville wit kak syu


sgt menaril kuar lps exam wit kak syu...
we ate at the chicken stop, buy half set of baked chicken...a lthough its not htaht much, but were really full until cant really think well.. ahhaha.. damn right...

ape alg kuar ngn org ratu shopping, kak syu ajar jugak cmne nk bli brg2 rumah, malangnye duit hampir kehabesan, so x leh bli,,,, so hopefully she's stil here nx yer ie awal tahun so that canhelp me hias my bilik yg sentiasa bersepah..

p/s: Kak Syu, kte kne kuar lg b4 aini blk.. best kuar =)

Im really2 ba din cleaning.... heyh cmne nk kawin nih, x reti kemas rumah!!! buat sepah je reti!!
once dad said to me, my 1st ex, bdk it, my 2nd ex, bdk geology then da future rahsia... then dad say to me, adek do u know that, klu lecturer ke, businessman ke sallu la gak ade kt ruamh, tp geology tuh.... slalukah ade kt umah... huhu yeah rite!! betul jugak kte ayah anak die ini manja... n juga penakat keseorangan..... hurmmm... xpe2.. there;s stil couples of years lg 4 me to think about this... klu jodoh ade x kemane.... klu terpase berjauhan sekejap pn.... asalkan ade teman.. sbb
yea mengaku, i cant be alone!!!

4 u guys info, ive neva been alone at my house in penang....

so i can survive here was really2 good achiement.. but thats me, i can survive, but deep inside my heart, m da oen who knows.... how i iwsh i ve sumoen to rely on here.... bu tits alrite.. dh biase n i juz have 1 more yer!! =) yahoooo!!!

tp x nk keje lg.. x matured enough lg..but must follow the flow.. kerja canmake u matang...
samela spt duduk d perantauan by ur own =)

nytes everyone...

1 comment:

Pengutip Anggur Pink said...

hehe i saw my name! there u see, if u let ppl reading this blog, it wud be merrier aini!!! :) ganbatte ;) u hv the chance, go and grab it before its too late! :)