Salam alaiyk... Today sharp at 11.11 pm, i finish my final exam for this sem, ie 2nd year in sydney uni. I feel great and can run easily, fell like the heavy metal have gone away... however, feeling bored after exam without movies and all make me feel bad!!! aargh.. feeling like wanna b with my family as soon as possible, so that i can do what i want, spent itme with them( where they are starting their scul hols today), no need to care about what to eat, all will b on the table...
huhuh After my exam, the first ym that i sent to a person that is offlien is him, i said thaat im so glad that ive finished my exam and hows hes doing. Greatfully, aftet i went back 4m merrickville, and b4 i go aout again to tak emy noritalke and visit a fren in hosp, he replied!!! yahoo!! How i wish i could continue to chat with him without any interuption, but god knows more.. may b we will have plenty of time for us together nx time... Ill see him soon, but that time, in few days, ill be going back to mesia, and he's stil here... truthfully 4m bottom of my heart, i miss u lots! i know its not good, but i do miss u.
My fren, shahir had his operation tonight, i hope that i can help him, but as im a gurl, not much that i can help, esp when his boy frens also dont really be by his side.. wateva, ill pray that ull get well soon... n can go to japan as u wish.. ahhah but if im ur mum, i wont give permisson for it. I went to the hospital juz 4 a while, i smelt the bad smell of the hospital that made me cant stand and went outside. the sharp picagari tube 4 injection.. made me more afraid. wat to say.. im borned with the feeling of doctors, nurse, hospital, medcine and injection fears. I wonder how i gonna be a mum when im married.. hahah but wit whom yeah...
oo yeah, this ques, with whom, remind me of my ex.. i know both of my ex stil have da feeling in me, even some people around here too, but love cant be forced.. ive promised to myself no more tolerate to the love that ive lost or which ive break wit my bf... the last itme was early last yer... ill juz look forward, n i found sumone.. He;s da one that i like, although we hardly meet each other, but i do love him,.... like n love, 2 complicated and different words.. if u like sumone , it doesnt mean u love him, bu tif u lovehim, u like nad care him, like what happen to me n my mr right... he replid my message to day, n i m extremely happy althoguh i want more than that... bu ti cant expect any after the incident on my burfday, i know he;s relaly frustrated but believe me, i more than taht, im vr sad... but we'll see how these work =) tkae care yeah 4 u overthere, pls do inform that, i miss u alwiz n i do care about u!
ive also applied my internship in signtech accounting firm in penang branch. hu hu after i reject the 3 offer my pwc... so hopefully i will get his one, and have m intern in seberang jaya.. And if he dint get his job here, hopefully he;s going back n i wish i can see him.. but of cos ill pray that he get it 4 his own benefit =)
ps: all da best in taking ur medical result today, ill pray that everything goes well 4 u sys =)
love, adek
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