salam alaiyk..
currently in d office in bandar sunway penang.. afta such along time,ive d opportunity to write this blog...
lets talk about my internship in signtake accouting firm or zuhairi mohamad & co..
First day, there's no works for me to do until i felt very mad... but aftaer 3.30 pm finally i manage to get it, that is my first work is audit, to balance d account, im quite blank afta such a long break from the books, bt after being explained by the syster here, i got it. gues wat, wat i did was rite, it juz the formula in the excel was wrong... luckily its not me who has the prob =)
Before that, let me tlak about my first day here, after my dad sent me here, after some breakfast ( d 1st one at nasmir nasik kandar, sejuk gle nasi) then i arrive here early. we need to wait for the staff to open d offic en atlast i mange to ge tin n the 1st sys i know is kak farah. She's a good sys, then kak umi, kak fida, kak suri, kak ain, kak zah, lastly the only bro here.
I thought the fir is like n office, but its more like home office which the environment is not as buzy as normal intenational accotning firm liek pwc or other big 4 firm. all of them were so relax but they did their work on itme of cos.. if not mati..a hahhaha
first day, i was interviewed by the systers abotu my uni, subject , syllabus n all. one of the sys was surprised that i didnt learn about the accounting software. i can feel that to her my uni i sucks, inner in me, there's fire burning fiercely.. its alrite i juz be cool first... luckily i mange to tahan...
2nd day, i was taught to use ubs, the accouting software, i thought its hard until the sys "pandang readah the uni system" but its acctually easy... sooo wat does it means??? hahaha
the week after dat im so bored until i asked fo rjobs from other systers which involve company secretary n filing... i was an easy task but so remeh n not suitabel for sumone "cemerkap" likme.. but i mange to finish all tha tby myself all da companies!!!!
after that weeks, there goes one day doing tax filing under en zaidi... again alll d afile in one day..
thats my priciple, all jobs need to be doen within one day... cant be da day after that.. must be efficient =)
da weeks after that, which is dis week, kak uni, citra n kak eja went to kulin for some audit task, so just left 6 of us here... n the 'captains' are all outsation too, gpin to kl to d other branch.. its was sooo like heaven , but not for me, i cant stand doing nothing.. i want job!!!! huhuh
thats me.... cant sit properly without anything, ding nothing will make me feel sick...
k, gtg. office hours wil end soon.. tata
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kuar ke merrickville wit kak syu
sgt menaril kuar lps exam wit kak syu...
we ate at the chicken stop, buy half set of baked chicken...a lthough its not htaht much, but were really full until cant really think well.. ahhaha.. damn right...
ape alg kuar ngn org ratu shopping, kak syu ajar jugak cmne nk bli brg2 rumah, malangnye duit hampir kehabesan, so x leh bli,,,, so hopefully she's stil here nx yer ie awal tahun so that canhelp me hias my bilik yg sentiasa bersepah..
p/s: Kak Syu, kte kne kuar lg b4 aini blk.. best kuar =)
Im really2 ba din cleaning.... heyh cmne nk kawin nih, x reti kemas rumah!!! buat sepah je reti!!
once dad said to me, my 1st ex, bdk it, my 2nd ex, bdk geology then da future rahsia... then dad say to me, adek do u know that, klu lecturer ke, businessman ke sallu la gak ade kt ruamh, tp geology tuh.... slalukah ade kt umah... huhu yeah rite!! betul jugak kte ayah anak die ini manja... n juga penakat keseorangan..... hurmmm... xpe2.. there;s stil couples of years lg 4 me to think about this... klu jodoh ade x kemane.... klu terpase berjauhan sekejap pn.... asalkan ade teman.. sbb
yea mengaku, i cant be alone!!!
4 u guys info, ive neva been alone at my house in penang....
so i can survive here was really2 good achiement.. but thats me, i can survive, but deep inside my heart, m da oen who knows.... how i iwsh i ve sumoen to rely on here.... bu tits alrite.. dh biase n i juz have 1 more yer!! =) yahoooo!!!
tp x nk keje lg.. x matured enough lg..but must follow the flow.. kerja canmake u matang...
samela spt duduk d perantauan by ur own =)
nytes everyone...
sgt menaril kuar lps exam wit kak syu...
we ate at the chicken stop, buy half set of baked chicken...a lthough its not htaht much, but were really full until cant really think well.. ahhaha.. damn right...
ape alg kuar ngn org ratu shopping, kak syu ajar jugak cmne nk bli brg2 rumah, malangnye duit hampir kehabesan, so x leh bli,,,, so hopefully she's stil here nx yer ie awal tahun so that canhelp me hias my bilik yg sentiasa bersepah..
p/s: Kak Syu, kte kne kuar lg b4 aini blk.. best kuar =)
Im really2 ba din cleaning.... heyh cmne nk kawin nih, x reti kemas rumah!!! buat sepah je reti!!
once dad said to me, my 1st ex, bdk it, my 2nd ex, bdk geology then da future rahsia... then dad say to me, adek do u know that, klu lecturer ke, businessman ke sallu la gak ade kt ruamh, tp geology tuh.... slalukah ade kt umah... huhu yeah rite!! betul jugak kte ayah anak die ini manja... n juga penakat keseorangan..... hurmmm... xpe2.. there;s stil couples of years lg 4 me to think about this... klu jodoh ade x kemane.... klu terpase berjauhan sekejap pn.... asalkan ade teman.. sbb
yea mengaku, i cant be alone!!!
4 u guys info, ive neva been alone at my house in penang....
so i can survive here was really2 good achiement.. but thats me, i can survive, but deep inside my heart, m da oen who knows.... how i iwsh i ve sumoen to rely on here.... bu tits alrite.. dh biase n i juz have 1 more yer!! =) yahoooo!!!
tp x nk keje lg.. x matured enough lg..but must follow the flow.. kerja canmake u matang...
samela spt duduk d perantauan by ur own =)
nytes everyone...
After exam, Im free but so bored!
Salam alaiyk... Today sharp at 11.11 pm, i finish my final exam for this sem, ie 2nd year in sydney uni. I feel great and can run easily, fell like the heavy metal have gone away... however, feeling bored after exam without movies and all make me feel bad!!! aargh.. feeling like wanna b with my family as soon as possible, so that i can do what i want, spent itme with them( where they are starting their scul hols today), no need to care about what to eat, all will b on the table...
huhuh After my exam, the first ym that i sent to a person that is offlien is him, i said thaat im so glad that ive finished my exam and hows hes doing. Greatfully, aftet i went back 4m merrickville, and b4 i go aout again to tak emy noritalke and visit a fren in hosp, he replied!!! yahoo!! How i wish i could continue to chat with him without any interuption, but god knows more.. may b we will have plenty of time for us together nx time... Ill see him soon, but that time, in few days, ill be going back to mesia, and he's stil here... truthfully 4m bottom of my heart, i miss u lots! i know its not good, but i do miss u.
My fren, shahir had his operation tonight, i hope that i can help him, but as im a gurl, not much that i can help, esp when his boy frens also dont really be by his side.. wateva, ill pray that ull get well soon... n can go to japan as u wish.. ahhah but if im ur mum, i wont give permisson for it. I went to the hospital juz 4 a while, i smelt the bad smell of the hospital that made me cant stand and went outside. the sharp picagari tube 4 injection.. made me more afraid. wat to say.. im borned with the feeling of doctors, nurse, hospital, medcine and injection fears. I wonder how i gonna be a mum when im married.. hahah but wit whom yeah...
oo yeah, this ques, with whom, remind me of my ex.. i know both of my ex stil have da feeling in me, even some people around here too, but love cant be forced.. ive promised to myself no more tolerate to the love that ive lost or which ive break wit my bf... the last itme was early last yer... ill juz look forward, n i found sumone.. He;s da one that i like, although we hardly meet each other, but i do love him,.... like n love, 2 complicated and different words.. if u like sumone , it doesnt mean u love him, bu tif u lovehim, u like nad care him, like what happen to me n my mr right... he replid my message to day, n i m extremely happy althoguh i want more than that... bu ti cant expect any after the incident on my burfday, i know he;s relaly frustrated but believe me, i more than taht, im vr sad... but we'll see how these work =) tkae care yeah 4 u overthere, pls do inform that, i miss u alwiz n i do care about u!
ive also applied my internship in signtech accounting firm in penang branch. hu hu after i reject the 3 offer my pwc... so hopefully i will get his one, and have m intern in seberang jaya.. And if he dint get his job here, hopefully he;s going back n i wish i can see him.. but of cos ill pray that he get it 4 his own benefit =)
ps: all da best in taking ur medical result today, ill pray that everything goes well 4 u sys =)
love, adek
Thursday, November 13, 2008
da same day.. da same thought, da same attitude, da same heart, da same me n u!
how i wish i could accidently see u...
n talk to u as we usually do when were together trying to avoid others..haha
so klaka!
i hate cosi keep thinking about u...
y its take a lon gitme for u to sa any words..
i know ure hurt.. but pls im really hurt too..
at least u can enjoy ur day outing wit others!
hahha now my turn for some complain about my internship.!!!
how i wish i ahve my unlce working wit big 4 accoutning firm and hten i can do internship wit that company of wat field i like!!!
but da truth is,i ve already rejected all d offer they offered me as they call when im stil sleeping
which i end up talking nonsense n reject all 3 offers!!!! aargh..
now ill officially unemployed during summer in malaysia,
so my aim is to be a good daughter... and stil contact wit my loved one? is it possible.. muahhaha
helps systa to do the chores whish i hate da most... haha
i had a fight with my sys becos of that until i sadi to her that go back 2 uk!!! then im free of all these..
ahhahaha but thats so not true! i love her so much until its hard 2 be apart.. i know she's a vr good person but being quite depress wit her situation induced her to be like that..
wateva happen, ure my beloved sys and ill love, share n help u forever! muahx
mum and dad bought the new avanza 4 our family car... so my mission is holiday wit family wit the new car.. ahhah , so malaysai , wil see u on da 27th! but will left u here on that day too =(
Can sumone go n see him 4 me? thats so impossible, da feeling of love is not that valuable or can be called as LOVE is its nt complicated enough.. huhu damn right!
Slamt menunaikn solat jumaat =)
n talk to u as we usually do when were together trying to avoid others..haha
so klaka!
i hate cosi keep thinking about u...
y its take a lon gitme for u to sa any words..
i know ure hurt.. but pls im really hurt too..
at least u can enjoy ur day outing wit others!
hahha now my turn for some complain about my internship.!!!
how i wish i ahve my unlce working wit big 4 accoutning firm and hten i can do internship wit that company of wat field i like!!!
but da truth is,i ve already rejected all d offer they offered me as they call when im stil sleeping
which i end up talking nonsense n reject all 3 offers!!!! aargh..
now ill officially unemployed during summer in malaysia,
so my aim is to be a good daughter... and stil contact wit my loved one? is it possible.. muahhaha
helps systa to do the chores whish i hate da most... haha
i had a fight with my sys becos of that until i sadi to her that go back 2 uk!!! then im free of all these..
ahhahaha but thats so not true! i love her so much until its hard 2 be apart.. i know she's a vr good person but being quite depress wit her situation induced her to be like that..
wateva happen, ure my beloved sys and ill love, share n help u forever! muahx
mum and dad bought the new avanza 4 our family car... so my mission is holiday wit family wit the new car.. ahhah , so malaysai , wil see u on da 27th! but will left u here on that day too =(
Can sumone go n see him 4 me? thats so impossible, da feeling of love is not that valuable or can be called as LOVE is its nt complicated enough.. huhu damn right!
Slamt menunaikn solat jumaat =)
lagu yang daku tgh layan... sedih kan... =(
Doa sepiku iniDihiasi bunga cempaka
Mengiringi kembaramu
Cinta yang asli
Oh kekasih ku...
Kerinduan bersama masih bermain di jiwa
Engkau tetap kucintai
Namun rembulan tak mungkin berkembar siang
Di tepiku kenangan silam
Mengusik-usik naluri ini
Di depanku hidup yang tanpamu
Kau kekasihnya pencinta yang abadi...
Oh... Pencinta abadi
Hanya jemarimu telah digantikan
Dingin salju dan air mata
Yang kian lenyap dan terbenam
Kerana syurga yang kita idamkan
Kita terpisah di dalam igauan
Engkau hampiri aku yang tertinggal menantikan
Saat-saat bersamamu...
Final exam in 2nd year..
today i finished my 3rd paper.. u dont know how long i wait 4 this..
4 a break from forcing myself to stud!!! hahaha
now im free only for this 2 days..
then i need to stud for my last paper on monday..
back to yesterday nyte.. kak lini visited me at my room, we talked about gossips n all bt of cos we talked about my prince charming...
then i only i realised his situation.. mayb his upset of th sumthing.. but will try to talk to himsoon after my exam...
I cant sleep last nyte thinking of him... my time that id spent wit him.. guess what .. it juz a short.. really short one.. but of cos i now y i like himm =) n hopefully he likes me too.. as i wont like or wil stop liking sumone if i know he dont like me.. so then here goes the ans for the question above. =)
pls take good care of urself but i knoe ull as ure away more matured than me, ure da one that protect me... but y ure soooo damn pemalu!!! i hate that!!!
hope 2 see u soon n spned time 2gether b4 were being apart ny the sea..
yeah, abotu my exam, 3 down, 1 more to go,
3 papers.. what i can say is tawakal...
but today as usual i made careless mistake.. i cqant see the easy 5 marks question!! i double checked twice but i dint see it!! its alrite, allah's will.. hopefully evrythings fine..
yesterday paper too.. careless mistake for about 4 times.. aiya.. fianance calculation, i mistake effect all, can u imagien how i waste my time with the silly careless mistake..
ya allh permudahkanlah urusan ku..
amin... kurniaknlah kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat kepada ku. da terangkanlah katiku...
today i finished my 3rd paper.. u dont know how long i wait 4 this..
4 a break from forcing myself to stud!!! hahaha
now im free only for this 2 days..
then i need to stud for my last paper on monday..
back to yesterday nyte.. kak lini visited me at my room, we talked about gossips n all bt of cos we talked about my prince charming...
then i only i realised his situation.. mayb his upset of th sumthing.. but will try to talk to himsoon after my exam...
I cant sleep last nyte thinking of him... my time that id spent wit him.. guess what .. it juz a short.. really short one.. but of cos i now y i like himm =) n hopefully he likes me too.. as i wont like or wil stop liking sumone if i know he dont like me.. so then here goes the ans for the question above. =)
pls take good care of urself but i knoe ull as ure away more matured than me, ure da one that protect me... but y ure soooo damn pemalu!!! i hate that!!!
hope 2 see u soon n spned time 2gether b4 were being apart ny the sea..
yeah, abotu my exam, 3 down, 1 more to go,
3 papers.. what i can say is tawakal...
but today as usual i made careless mistake.. i cqant see the easy 5 marks question!! i double checked twice but i dint see it!! its alrite, allah's will.. hopefully evrythings fine..
yesterday paper too.. careless mistake for about 4 times.. aiya.. fianance calculation, i mistake effect all, can u imagien how i waste my time with the silly careless mistake..
ya allh permudahkanlah urusan ku..
amin... kurniaknlah kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat kepada ku. da terangkanlah katiku...
my 20th burfday..
Salam alaik...
Long time i dint write my blog... been vr2 extremely busy..
Ill start with my 2008 burfday celebration..
A gurl was born on her grandparents old mattress in sg dua. her mum said that it easy to gave birth on her and theres no pain at all ie the easiest child birth she ever had... which the gurl end up born in sg dua, her grandparents house, not in hospital!!! after that then she was brought to the nereast hospital.. after few months, the cute baby had a complication and need to have some operation ie changing the blood.. although the chances is very small but this baby manage to survive... until now her 20th burfday... Physically this gurl will look healthy and happy.. but deepn inside only she's da one that know her innerself.
I had a good celebration with my frens in suv sharp at 12.15, then my prince charming ym and wish me happy ulang tahun... although i expect he;s da 1st oen to wish, bu twho cares, at least he wish me =) n he remember my burfday which i guess evryoen can know through facebook.
thats da small celebration. the biggest event is during the annual dinner od sypec.. which i really enjoy it. but there's also 10% of that night that made me sad and confused... i hope that "he" will do sumthing, bur yeah i didnt get any 4m him even a wish 4m his mouth.. I know he was disstracted by the rumours spread all around the hall ie one whole hall!
but come on, if u really love me, then u should belief in me that i like u, not the other guy which is my best fren. thats all.. I fell embarrassed to ask u for some pic.. but yeah i mage to get a pic of us 2gether.. although it jus a short time... I know ure confused an upset with the rumour or the "loud voice" all over the hall, but pls consider me who throw away her embarrasses and ask u 4 a pic.. but yeah will contact u soon 4 an update.. ive decided afta some advise 4m my frens which they told me that, seriously ure in pain that nyte .
I consider that, and afta my exam, ill approach u 2 clear uo evrything n say that i love u!
I spnet the whole nyte with esther n she end up sleep over at my place.. we share our story n feelings... huh only god knows how close me and ester are!
thanks babe 4 being there, ure sich a good fren, although were 4m different religion and belief, but yeah we are best fren and we help n love each other =)
lastly thanks to all my frens 4 da wishes, cakes and present..
last but not least, thank mum for the handmade baju kurung pahang, although ure vr busy , but spent some time to sew it 4 me to weaar on my memorable anuual dinner aka my burfday... n mum knows evrthign about him too! huhu
thanks do dad 4 posted it 4m me, n my beloved sister 4 all ur effort, u know what =)
Long time i dint write my blog... been vr2 extremely busy..
Ill start with my 2008 burfday celebration..
A gurl was born on her grandparents old mattress in sg dua. her mum said that it easy to gave birth on her and theres no pain at all ie the easiest child birth she ever had... which the gurl end up born in sg dua, her grandparents house, not in hospital!!! after that then she was brought to the nereast hospital.. after few months, the cute baby had a complication and need to have some operation ie changing the blood.. although the chances is very small but this baby manage to survive... until now her 20th burfday... Physically this gurl will look healthy and happy.. but deepn inside only she's da one that know her innerself.
I had a good celebration with my frens in suv sharp at 12.15, then my prince charming ym and wish me happy ulang tahun... although i expect he;s da 1st oen to wish, bu twho cares, at least he wish me =) n he remember my burfday which i guess evryoen can know through facebook.
thats da small celebration. the biggest event is during the annual dinner od sypec.. which i really enjoy it. but there's also 10% of that night that made me sad and confused... i hope that "he" will do sumthing, bur yeah i didnt get any 4m him even a wish 4m his mouth.. I know he was disstracted by the rumours spread all around the hall ie one whole hall!
but come on, if u really love me, then u should belief in me that i like u, not the other guy which is my best fren. thats all.. I fell embarrassed to ask u for some pic.. but yeah i mage to get a pic of us 2gether.. although it jus a short time... I know ure confused an upset with the rumour or the "loud voice" all over the hall, but pls consider me who throw away her embarrasses and ask u 4 a pic.. but yeah will contact u soon 4 an update.. ive decided afta some advise 4m my frens which they told me that, seriously ure in pain that nyte .
I consider that, and afta my exam, ill approach u 2 clear uo evrything n say that i love u!
I spnet the whole nyte with esther n she end up sleep over at my place.. we share our story n feelings... huh only god knows how close me and ester are!
thanks babe 4 being there, ure sich a good fren, although were 4m different religion and belief, but yeah we are best fren and we help n love each other =)
lastly thanks to all my frens 4 da wishes, cakes and present..
last but not least, thank mum for the handmade baju kurung pahang, although ure vr busy , but spent some time to sew it 4 me to weaar on my memorable anuual dinner aka my burfday... n mum knows evrthign about him too! huhu
thanks do dad 4 posted it 4m me, n my beloved sister 4 all ur effort, u know what =)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
7 sept

7 sep ti smy dad's burfday n also fathers day worldwide. We thank our father for us inda reality life n we thank him that were stil alife here afta his support n all. i just realised on da day itself it is also the burfday 4 sumone i know 2 years ago but disappear juz like that.
I lost my "bro" afta i coupled wit my fren n currently were fren too! no more couple as that da best 4 us.
Speaking about Bro, he;s being good 4 me, he had bring me home 4m putra station 4 da 1st day i went back alla lone 4m penang. HE's being a good bro 4 me, although its quite weird we didnt really speak in da reality juz in term of phone message.
Until 1 day, when im sick, seyesly sick which i cant wait up. PAnn, my sculmate akak roomate at d time, ask my bro , or called him said that im sick . n he brought me to see da dr,im feel shy bu ti need to as i cant really walk to the aoppisite 4 some chcek up. seyesly i miss thosedays too. Listen to pann's bebel n all.
Suddenly it all dissapear when im wit my ex. I lost my bro which is a really good bro. Even miss leena said he's c harming. although i can see it bu ti knoe he's good guy. RIte afta i couple, i ve no longer talk 2 him or even approch him n im really sad as i lost 1 god bro. is it becos he didnt approve my bf at that time who are now my normal fren. All happen wit a reason , when im wit my bf, he ran away juz like that cos he thought i don tneed him anymore? bt guess wat, i now realised that having a brother is better than having a bf which u wont have any certainty wit them.
Bro scan make us happy but but bf can make us vr happy but at da same time trouble come to us slowly =) heheh is zit true??? hahhaha bu tthat how i learn 2 appreciate my family n i love it! that da himak afta all n anow i really 3 appreciate my family. i love n missing all of them alwiz!!!
mak, ayh,kak, emi n faiz! i miss u guys. u guys are da love 4 me =)
LOts of love,
Monday, September 8, 2008
midsems n assignments... huhu GO me!!!
Alhamdulillah... Da 2nd Mid Sem of this semester has been done =)hopefully i can get good result out of it. 4 more days 2 go for d other midsem that is man b. Da one which involve lots of readings.
HUhu midsem for corp finance, alhamdulillah i get 17/20 n hope this is a good start 4 my finance. Can say that finc is da most interesting subject 4 dis sem n i really enjoy it. With da hansem tutor i guess..ahha
Afta manb, would b ecos midsem then followed by heaps of assignments which 2 tob submitted b4 srping break n another 2 afta srping break.. hohoh how busy i would b at da time =(
ANd now, im suppose 2 do my finc n manb tute, however, im still tired afta da fin b exam n also feel vr sleepy. Amy b need some energy boost 4m da movie 1st then mayb doing my tute =)
Compared to secondary scul, aini is totally hardworking than before, she used 2 not doing all her homework n sleep in the class is her hobby especailly during add math. d only class that she would be fresh is during pn romas class which is mod math as she da teacher incharge 4 prefect n she aways refer my ans.huhuhu
Sejarah, my abah's subject..huh got 1 A i think cos da berkat 4 m abah. neva eva do d homeworks or readings =)
Okies babe! go back 2 ur work!! fiannce tute.. go gog go!!!
HUhu midsem for corp finance, alhamdulillah i get 17/20 n hope this is a good start 4 my finance. Can say that finc is da most interesting subject 4 dis sem n i really enjoy it. With da hansem tutor i guess..ahha
Afta manb, would b ecos midsem then followed by heaps of assignments which 2 tob submitted b4 srping break n another 2 afta srping break.. hohoh how busy i would b at da time =(
ANd now, im suppose 2 do my finc n manb tute, however, im still tired afta da fin b exam n also feel vr sleepy. Amy b need some energy boost 4m da movie 1st then mayb doing my tute =)
Compared to secondary scul, aini is totally hardworking than before, she used 2 not doing all her homework n sleep in the class is her hobby especailly during add math. d only class that she would be fresh is during pn romas class which is mod math as she da teacher incharge 4 prefect n she aways refer my ans.huhuhu
Sejarah, my abah's subject..huh got 1 A i think cos da berkat 4 m abah. neva eva do d homeworks or readings =)
Okies babe! go back 2 ur work!! fiannce tute.. go gog go!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
2 weeks of fever
Dear my blog..
We meet again..
Its been 2 weeks since i had the on and off fever.All are fully package with bad cough and flu, headache and stomaches. The poor gurl who're afraid of dr at last went to the clinic by herself i think for the first time, yes its for the first time she went to da clinic alone, walking slowly along da road with cold wether outside.. When she felt tired and unwell, she stoped beside da road for some rest. Its not that no one wanna help her but dunno y suddenly she refused for the help even though she has not much energy as she just drink milo for the 2 days. The food infront of her eyes didnt get her stomach attention.
In the dr's room, which would usually b my mum's job for any explanation and yesterday im da one who need to ans all with my past history of any health symptoms and allergy. Its been uite difficult 4 me as i know i got some past medical histary with some allergic medication but i myself even dont knoe about it. So i just tell what i know. The Dr was very nice and kind hehe luckily there's no need for injection if not im sure i would cry =p Its been almost 2 weeks cos there's infection sumwhere in my body so she prescribed me wit penicillin which i think i cant use tht kind of antibiotic but i just accept it.
The next morning, when im awake, my stomach was very painful and i knoe thats the side effect of the antibiotic which i shouldnt take but i dont have da enrgy to got back and see da dr again twice.
What i can say during the 2 weeks, i cried alot cos its was very painful, i dont think i cried but the tears just suddenly dropped from the eyes. Usually that well ahppen at mid night and in the evening afta i went to class, mayb its because the weather outside trigger my immune system. Until one day, i really cant get up as what usually happen at midnyte, but its happen rite afta i wen tback 4m ecos class. My girl fren's not around and i need to ask the boys for help. As im da type who dont really eat when im sick and hot choc or milo would be da best for me.
A nyte afta that my gurl frens came 4 visit, they cleaned up my messy room and boil the water 4 me with some briayani but stil i can just drink, not eat yet.
Mum and dad are worried of me and also my abah. They called evryday. Im also worreis as the midsem exma for da hardest subject would be in 2 days and i cant really stud yet.
Now i miss my frens and teachers in college where they will try their best to help in a person was sick during exam period. I can remember how my frens read da notes for me and we stud 2gether with me landing on da bed. Hoe could i find all this here =(
Cant tell how i miss u guys alot babes!!!!!!!!!!!
Last, YA allh, pls let me get well soon, I want to celebrate this ramadhan wit lots of joys and ibadah and also dis month im full wit test etc. Pls YA allah giv eme da strength and let me do my best for all my midsems and assignment and also for all others.. amin =)
We meet again..
Its been 2 weeks since i had the on and off fever.All are fully package with bad cough and flu, headache and stomaches. The poor gurl who're afraid of dr at last went to the clinic by herself i think for the first time, yes its for the first time she went to da clinic alone, walking slowly along da road with cold wether outside.. When she felt tired and unwell, she stoped beside da road for some rest. Its not that no one wanna help her but dunno y suddenly she refused for the help even though she has not much energy as she just drink milo for the 2 days. The food infront of her eyes didnt get her stomach attention.
In the dr's room, which would usually b my mum's job for any explanation and yesterday im da one who need to ans all with my past history of any health symptoms and allergy. Its been uite difficult 4 me as i know i got some past medical histary with some allergic medication but i myself even dont knoe about it. So i just tell what i know. The Dr was very nice and kind hehe luckily there's no need for injection if not im sure i would cry =p Its been almost 2 weeks cos there's infection sumwhere in my body so she prescribed me wit penicillin which i think i cant use tht kind of antibiotic but i just accept it.
The next morning, when im awake, my stomach was very painful and i knoe thats the side effect of the antibiotic which i shouldnt take but i dont have da enrgy to got back and see da dr again twice.
What i can say during the 2 weeks, i cried alot cos its was very painful, i dont think i cried but the tears just suddenly dropped from the eyes. Usually that well ahppen at mid night and in the evening afta i went to class, mayb its because the weather outside trigger my immune system. Until one day, i really cant get up as what usually happen at midnyte, but its happen rite afta i wen tback 4m ecos class. My girl fren's not around and i need to ask the boys for help. As im da type who dont really eat when im sick and hot choc or milo would be da best for me.
A nyte afta that my gurl frens came 4 visit, they cleaned up my messy room and boil the water 4 me with some briayani but stil i can just drink, not eat yet.
Mum and dad are worried of me and also my abah. They called evryday. Im also worreis as the midsem exma for da hardest subject would be in 2 days and i cant really stud yet.
Now i miss my frens and teachers in college where they will try their best to help in a person was sick during exam period. I can remember how my frens read da notes for me and we stud 2gether with me landing on da bed. Hoe could i find all this here =(
Cant tell how i miss u guys alot babes!!!!!!!!!!!
Last, YA allh, pls let me get well soon, I want to celebrate this ramadhan wit lots of joys and ibadah and also dis month im full wit test etc. Pls YA allah giv eme da strength and let me do my best for all my midsems and assignment and also for all others.. amin =)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rumahku sunyi tanpaku, daku lbh sunyi tanpanya...
Salam to everyone =)
"Distance makes the heart grows fonder"
Just got back here after a month staying wit family members. Mum called and said that " sunyi la dh xda suara org bising kt rumah" deep in inside my heart, yeah thats true! im hundres times feling lonely overhere without all my loved one.
Remember how evryone helped me to finish up my winter subject's assignment. We all strive for it until its done. Stil remember the eyes and face of my beloved sys helped me with assignment when i woke her up 4m her sleep... trying her vr best to help... laying down besides me when she cant control her sleepy head...
Mom, dad buzy cooked 4 me onda day i departed. They cooked my favorite so that i can remember nice taste of it when im here. Cheered me up with the new spirit for facing upcoming event n difficulties. My BroS with their style advising me like they are my elder brother =p
Mom, dad, Sys, Bros! I love u guys so much =)

After being apart for such a long time, since im in form 1. Im glad that i got the opportunity to realised that they love me so much and i love n miss them so much all this while. After i get the lesson from my previous break-up ,im glad that i know my family are alwiz with me and theyre da one that will neva let me down...
Wateva happen, family first.
Syurga d bawah tapak kaki ibu.
Tiada ibu yg sggp tgk anaknya sedih =)
here goes the lyric of a song 4m Zain Bikha.
MY mUm is AmaZiNg=)
She wakes up early in the morning with a smile
And she holds my head up high
Don’t you ever let anybody put you down
Cos you are my little angel
Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Cos it’s cold out there, she thinks
Then she walks me to school, Yes I aint no fool
I just think my Mom is amazing
She makes me feel
Like I can do anything
and when she’s with me
there’s no where else, I’d rather be…
After School, she’s waiting by the gate
I’m so happy that I just can’t wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mom makes
Then I wind her up cos I don’t wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mom is amazing
Then I wake up in the morning, she’s not there
And I realize she never was
And I’m still here in this lonely orphanage
With so many just like me
And as my dreams begin to fade
I try hard to look forward to my day
But there’s a pain in my heart that’s a craving
How I wish I had a Mom that’s amazing
Would be amazing
"Distance makes the heart grows fonder"
Just got back here after a month staying wit family members. Mum called and said that " sunyi la dh xda suara org bising kt rumah" deep in inside my heart, yeah thats true! im hundres times feling lonely overhere without all my loved one.
Remember how evryone helped me to finish up my winter subject's assignment. We all strive for it until its done. Stil remember the eyes and face of my beloved sys helped me with assignment when i woke her up 4m her sleep... trying her vr best to help... laying down besides me when she cant control her sleepy head...
Mom, dad buzy cooked 4 me onda day i departed. They cooked my favorite so that i can remember nice taste of it when im here. Cheered me up with the new spirit for facing upcoming event n difficulties. My BroS with their style advising me like they are my elder brother =p
Mom, dad, Sys, Bros! I love u guys so much =)
After being apart for such a long time, since im in form 1. Im glad that i got the opportunity to realised that they love me so much and i love n miss them so much all this while. After i get the lesson from my previous break-up ,im glad that i know my family are alwiz with me and theyre da one that will neva let me down...
Wateva happen, family first.
Syurga d bawah tapak kaki ibu.
Tiada ibu yg sggp tgk anaknya sedih =)
here goes the lyric of a song 4m Zain Bikha.
MY mUm is AmaZiNg=)
She wakes up early in the morning with a smile
And she holds my head up high
Don’t you ever let anybody put you down
Cos you are my little angel
Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Cos it’s cold out there, she thinks
Then she walks me to school, Yes I aint no fool
I just think my Mom is amazing
She makes me feel
Like I can do anything
and when she’s with me
there’s no where else, I’d rather be…
After School, she’s waiting by the gate
I’m so happy that I just can’t wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mom makes
Then I wind her up cos I don’t wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mom is amazing
Then I wake up in the morning, she’s not there
And I realize she never was
And I’m still here in this lonely orphanage
With so many just like me
And as my dreams begin to fade
I try hard to look forward to my day
But there’s a pain in my heart that’s a craving
How I wish I had a Mom that’s amazing
Would be amazing
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