7 sep ti smy dad's burfday n also fathers day worldwide. We thank our father for us inda reality life n we thank him that were stil alife here afta his support n all. i just realised on da day itself it is also the burfday 4 sumone i know 2 years ago but disappear juz like that.
I lost my "bro" afta i coupled wit my fren n currently were fren too! no more couple as that da best 4 us.
Speaking about Bro, he;s being good 4 me, he had bring me home 4m putra station 4 da 1st day i went back alla lone 4m penang. HE's being a good bro 4 me, although its quite weird we didnt really speak in da reality juz in term of phone message.
Until 1 day, when im sick, seyesly sick which i cant wait up. PAnn, my sculmate akak roomate at d time, ask my bro , or called him said that im sick . n he brought me to see da dr,im feel shy bu ti need to as i cant really walk to the aoppisite 4 some chcek up. seyesly i miss thosedays too. Listen to pann's bebel n all.
Suddenly it all dissapear when im wit my ex. I lost my bro which is a really good bro. Even miss leena said he's c harming. although i can see it bu ti knoe he's good guy. RIte afta i couple, i ve no longer talk 2 him or even approch him n im really sad as i lost 1 god bro. is it becos he didnt approve my bf at that time who are now my normal fren. All happen wit a reason , when im wit my bf, he ran away juz like that cos he thought i don tneed him anymore? bt guess wat, i now realised that having a brother is better than having a bf which u wont have any certainty wit them.
Bro scan make us happy but but bf can make us vr happy but at da same time trouble come to us slowly =) heheh is zit true??? hahhaha bu tthat how i learn 2 appreciate my family n i love it! that da himak afta all n anow i really 3 appreciate my family. i love n missing all of them alwiz!!!
mak, ayh,kak, emi n faiz! i miss u guys. u guys are da love 4 me =)
LOts of love,