"Distance makes the heart grows fonder"
Just got back here after a month staying wit family members. Mum called and said that " sunyi la dh xda suara org bising kt rumah" deep in inside my heart, yeah thats true! im hundres times feling lonely overhere without all my loved one.
Remember how evryone helped me to finish up my winter subject's assignment. We all strive for it until its done. Stil remember the eyes and face of my beloved sys helped me with assignment when i woke her up 4m her sleep... trying her vr best to help... laying down besides me when she cant control her sleepy head...
Mom, dad buzy cooked 4 me onda day i departed. They cooked my favorite so that i can remember nice taste of it when im here. Cheered me up with the new spirit for facing upcoming event n difficulties. My BroS with their style advising me like they are my elder brother =p
Mom, dad, Sys, Bros! I love u guys so much =)
After being apart for such a long time, since im in form 1. Im glad that i got the opportunity to realised that they love me so much and i love n miss them so much all this while. After i get the lesson from my previous break-up ,im glad that i know my family are alwiz with me and theyre da one that will neva let me down...
Wateva happen, family first.
Syurga d bawah tapak kaki ibu.
Tiada ibu yg sggp tgk anaknya sedih =)
here goes the lyric of a song 4m Zain Bikha.
MY mUm is AmaZiNg=)
She wakes up early in the morning with a smile
And she holds my head up high
Don’t you ever let anybody put you down
Cos you are my little angel
Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Cos it’s cold out there, she thinks
Then she walks me to school, Yes I aint no fool
I just think my Mom is amazing
She makes me feel
Like I can do anything
and when she’s with me
there’s no where else, I’d rather be…
After School, she’s waiting by the gate
I’m so happy that I just can’t wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mom makes
Then I wind her up cos I don’t wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mom is amazing
Then I wake up in the morning, she’s not there
And I realize she never was
And I’m still here in this lonely orphanage
With so many just like me
And as my dreams begin to fade
I try hard to look forward to my day
But there’s a pain in my heart that’s a craving
How I wish I had a Mom that’s amazing
Would be amazing